
As per Effectiveness, safety all types of Ayurvedic and Patanjali medicines are available here, like Ayurvedic Asava Arista, Arka Kalpana, Avaleha, Khand, Pak Kalpana, Kwath Churna, Guggulu, Ghrita, Churna Multy Ingredient, Taila, Lavana And Kshar, Lepa, Vati and  Gutika, Netrabindu, Anjana, Sattva, Kupipakva Rasayan, Parpati, Pishti Kalpana, Bhasma, Mandura Rasayoga, Lauha etc. Along with that we also avail Patanjali Medicines. We also have Brush, Colgate and many more things.


  • Quality Based Products
  • Original Medicines
  • Trustworthy