
Ayurveda is a medical system from India that has been used for thousands of years.  That’s medication is widely used all over the world now a days.  

  • Ayurvedic  Asava Arista, Arka Kalpana, Avaleha, Khand, Pak Kalpana, Kwath Churna, Guggulu, Ghrita, Churna Multy Ingredient, Churna Single Ingredient, Taila, Lavana and Kshar, Lepa, Vati  AND Gutika, Varti, Netrabindu, Anjana, Sattva, Kupipakva Rasayan, Parpati, Pishti Kalpana, Bhasma, Mandura Rasayoga, Lauha etc.


  • Original Brands
  • 100% Authentic Medicine
  • Reasonable Price